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White Cube Website
Brief Since its inception at Duke's Street in 2003, White Cube has grown into an international art powerhouse with additional galleries opening in Hoxton Square, Mason's Yard and now the colossal 58,000 sq. ft space of Bermondsey. Working with our arts and culture partners Cultureshock Media, our brief was to design and develop a new site to reflect (and facilitate) the growth of this art establishment and future-proof it for further expansion. Outcome Our initial Determine stage of the project involved consultations with each of the key stake holders of the business; from Jay Joplin to board directors, sales staff, buyers and art critics to gallery and shop staff. Our findings were then collated into a report which formed the basis of our response to brief, technical spec and IA. The Design stage of the project and had a far simpler approach to brief with 'less is more'. Always a joy for our design team to hear, we knew the site would require a tight structured grid in order for us to achieve the right amount of white space, as favoured by the gallery. There was no room for over-designed pages or over-engineered JavaScript techniques, instead each page required careful consideration to its assigned functionality. The site is powered by You.Create content management software and uses a customised version of You.Send email marketing software.
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